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Thursday, October 15, 2015

A new machine! - Sailrite LSZ-1

A different type of machine, but a new one nevertheless.

A few years ago, my mother-in-law gave me her old sewing machine - a Singer 723k that was probably made in about 1960.  This machine's first project was building a set of signal flags ...  a kit that my wife bought me for Christmas from Sailrite.  That got me started on sewing and making things for the boat, such as a boat cover for my former Stuart JC9 sailing dinghy that I no longer own.

I then started to take old sails into tote bags using a design inspired from Sailrite's YouTube channel.  This led my friend Janet to offer me a better machine, an industrial Brother Exedra B40.  The commercial machine needed 220v power so I purchased a Reliable 110v replacement motor, and the machine has been impressive.  However, it's biggest shortcomings were twofold - it was not a walking foot machine (required for consistent stitching in heavy materials), and it only sewed straight stitch.  I really needed a new machine. 

Having become a big fan of Sailrite, I had been watching this machine for a few years now.  Finally, I decided to take the plunge on an LSZ-1 package.  They were having a 10% off sale, which was enough for me to go ahead and order one.

It arrived yesterday, and has just about the best packaging I have ever seen in a product.  The setup instructions were clear, and they even included a DVD to back up the instructions.  Everything was there including a spool of V-92 thread.  I actually used it last night to finish a tote back I had started with the Brother.  I sure do like having zig-zag stitching in my arsenal.

Stay tuned to this site for more project posting.  I have a backlog including tote bags to see at a craft fair, new sheet bags for the Catalina, a cover for my generator, and some more sail repairs.  

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