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Friday, November 28, 2014

1974 Tanzer 16 #935 - new addition to the fleet

I got her on October 26.  The prior owner is a power boater and got this as a gift.  He essentially just wanted it out of his yard so now it's mine.  This is the before picture but it cleaned up very nice and surprisingly does not have any soft spots or structural concerns.

Update 4/2/15:  I may end up selling this.  While having many boats is fun, I really will not have time to enjoy this and would rather invest in sails for my Catalina 22 instead, or perhaps rig up another Dyer Dhow dinghy.

Sold it in May to a friend who will put it to good use.  It has essentially been replaced with the Rhodes Kingfisher

Update October 2016:  bought the Tanzer back :-)

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